Friday, January 27, 2012

Just in time....

There's nothing like going to a new place to help you gain some perspective.

I just got back from Honduras, one of the poorest countries in our hemisphere by economic standards, and yet lived among some the richest adults and children by spiritual standards. It’s was the first time in years I’ve experienced pure joy and unconditional acceptance.

It's easy to get jaded about life and priorities when you can pretty much meet all your own needs without having to really "trust in God" to provide. Yes we have needs, but far too often we get our wants and our needs confused; the noise and distraction in our lives prevent us from hearing and seeing God at work in our midst.

I was tired and overwhelmed by the demands of a new position, a new city, and a new home. The pace to meet the needs was becoming frantic and felt like I was losing myself. I was becoming more of a "thing" than a person. I rarely stopped to breathe, much less enjoy the moments; I just hopped from one treadmill to the next, changing stride as needed. (A funny statement for one sorely in need of exercise!)

But in Honduras, it was about connecting again with what was important: joy, relationships, love, and celebrating God’s “just in time” moments. I’m striving to stay in touch with those things that are most important: my faith, my family and my friends. I want to be open to witness the miracles in my have some of those “just in time” moments of my own.


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